
Give ByCheque

If you are interested in making any contributions to Hope For All Church,

please send crossed cheques, payable to “Hope For All Church Limited”.

Give ByBank Deposit

Dah Sing Bank 大新銀行 Account name: Hope For All Church Limited

Local Transfer

                    Account No.: 774-158-16387

Overseas Transfer

                    Account No.: 040-774-158-16387

Hang Seng Bank 恒生銀行 Account name: Hope For All Church Limited

Local Transfer

                      Account No.: 370-520629-883

Give ByFPS

  FPS ID: 160146304


Please notify us and send your deposit receipt to the mobile number 55436224.

Donations above HKD 100 are tax-deductible. Hope For All Church sends donation receipts once a year and upon request. Please contact the church office ( for more information.

Our Annual Report provides a progress update on our vision and shows how donated funds are used and gives insight into how each area of ministry specifically uses the funds designated. Our Lord continues to bless HOPE FOR ALL with the people and resources to do amazing things for His Kingdom, and our Annual Report is a chance to keep our eye on the numbers that matter. Behind every metric is a story, so here is this year’s account of God’s work at Hope For All Church.